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《腊八节英语作文:LaBa garlic_700字》

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The Spring Festival every year eat dumplings, we have to have a bottle LaBa vinegar and the mother LaBa garlic. That is luxuriantly green color, steady vinegar and sour garlic, would give the Spring Festival add thick Beijing flavour of the dumplings. One day, my mother brought out already prepared garlic, let me together with her LaBa garlic bubble.

We'll put garlic break into small disc, then the same small skin open. The skin of the true not the same small strip, the strength of the small strip does not open, the strength that big will pick the same. We stripped off for a long time, and slowly I more skilled, not only peeled off the skin, will also thin lining also strip off neatly. Mother to get a jar let me off with the good garlic in, and mother put vinegar into bottle, pushing the bottle of garlic after all didn't,

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